Barber Orchards’ Approximate Apple and Pear Harvest Dates
These are APPROXIMATE apple availability dates
Gingergold August 1
Honeycrisp August 5
McIntosh August 15
Gala August 20
Courtland September 5
Empire September 10
Golden Delicious September 10
Jonagold September 15
Fuji September 15
Red Delicious September 20
Ambrosia September 22
Red Rome September 25
Mustu September 25
Cameo October 1
Granny Smith October 1
Stayman Winesap October 1
Candy Crisp October 1
Arkansas Black October 14
Mountain Pippin October 15
Evercrisp October 16
Braeburn October 20
Pink Lady November 1
For our most up-to-date information on current availability during the season, please follow us on Facebook.
These are APPROXIMATE pear availability dates.
Sunrise August 8
Blake August 15
Harrow Sweet August 22
Gem August 29
Potomac September 12
Shenandoah September 15
For information on the description each apple and pear varieties texture, taste, and best use, please click on this link to be taken to our Description Information.
How to Best Store Your Fruit
Apples and Pears are best stored in the refrigerator. Apples like it cold (but not freezing), with relatively high humidity. Apples and pears will store the longest at 34°F and 90% humidity in dark spot. They also do not like fluctuating temperatures.
Whether you store them in the refrigerator or on the counter, keep apples away from other fruits. Apples release the gaseous hormone ethylene, which will cause other fruits and vegetables to ripen faster. If you don't want to encourage ripening of other produce, store apples in a plastic tub or a bag in the fridge, or in their own produce drawer.